June 25th- Graphic Novels
I was a huge Nancy Drew fan growing up as a kid, so I was so excited to find it in graphic novel form! I read the 12th in a series of graphic novels, and I loved it just as much as the regular novels! In this mystery, Nancy and a friend are kidnapped and Nancy must figure out why, while her best friends trying to solve it out on their own! I think that this series is great for girls, especially if they enjoy comic books but aren't really into reading novels.
As a child, I spent many days watching my brother trying to beat this game. I really enjoyed this graphic novel, because it followed along with the video game. Link lives in a forest, but he is different from everyone else. He soon learns it is because he has a special destiny, he must collect the three stones of the triforce, and stop the evil Ganondorf in order to maintain peace in the land. The one difficult part about the book that took some time to get used to, is reading from right to left, but I really enjoyed it.
This adventure features six teenagers that are forced together every year because of their parents. While they have been told for years that they adults meet to handle private fundraising agreements, the teens discover that their parents are actually super evil villains. They soon begin to discover that even they have powers! However, when their parents realize they have discovered their secret, a battle breaks out! I think that this is a great adventure series for both girls and boys!
This story follows a group of girls, who love to express themselves through art. The characters struggle with boy troubles and getting into trouble while doing their art in their neighborhood; some consider it vandalism! The main character Jane struggles with her feelings for two boys, her mother's fear of leaving the house. I think that this is a great book for girls that feel a little different from other people at schools. I really enjoyed this one!
This graphic novel, from the director of Super Size Me, is the gross and honest truth about fast-food culture in America. It documents the awful things that employees can do to the foods, but also how bad the food is for you just in general. I liked the book for its honesty, but I also found it so appalling because of its honesty. I think that this could be a great lead in for a discussion about obesity and fast-food culture in America.
This graphic novel, that has now become a very popular feature film, is about the UK after a nuclear war that has become a police state. An anarchist, by the name of V, begins a campaign against the government, that is often violent, to kill the people in power and then convince the public to take back control. I really enjoyed the book, definitely better than the movie. Furthermore, its a great fictional book that students can apply to real life political overthrows that have occurred.
This graphic novel encompasses the first ten volumes of the adventures of the Avengers. I have never been a major fan of comic books, but I have really enjoyed the movies. These adventures start with the formation of the group of super heroes, to the addition of Captain America and Wonder Man and how the battle evil villains! I really enjoyed the series and now I really want to see the movie!
The Hobbit is the precursor to the Lord of the Rings, one of the most popular and well-known series of all time. I really enjoyed this graphic novel addition of the book because the normal novel is a bit tough to get through. This story is about Bilbo Baggin's, a hobbit, and his adventure with Gandalf and a group of dwarves trying to get treasure that is guarded by a dragon. While Gandalf protects the group, Bilbo must also face his own battles. I really enjoyed the beautiful illustrations and I am so glad that I finally got to read this story.